The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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The SYSTEM MASTER Command Editor is the system function that will
assist you in harnessing the power of SYSTEM MASTER. It will allow
you to build the ultimate power base for your computing needs thru
a multitude of editing features & shortcuts built into the Command
4.1 Accessing the Command Editor
The SYSTEM MASTER Security system is distributed inactive.
If the Security System has been activated from the configuration
menu, continue by reading the following:
To access the Command Editor, you MUST Log onto SYSTEM MASTER
by pressing the F4 key and entering your system password.
After 'Logging' on to SYSTEM MASTER, you will be able to access
the Command Editor by pressing the F2 key.
Since the Command Editor is protected by access-level checks
failure to LogOn, or modify the 'minimum access level system
variable will cause SYSTEM MASTER to reject your request to
access the editor.
(See section 2 for Security Access Level discussion)
(See section 7 for System Variable modifications)
4.2 The Command Editor and the Keyboard
When you are inside the Command Editor you will have access
to various 'special' keys that were implemented to make
command editing easier and quicker.
4.2.1 LeftArrow
The LeftArrow key, if the current cursor position
is greater than position 1 of the current input
field, moves the cursor to the left 1 position.
4.2.2 RightArrow
The RightArrow key, if the current cursor position
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is less than the length of the current input field
moves the cursor to the right 1 position.
4.2.3 Home
The Home key moves the cursor to position 1 of
the input field.
4.2.4 End
The End key moves the cursor to 1 position past
the end of the currently displayed character
4.2.5 Del
The Del key deletes the character at the cursor
position and slides the balance of the string
to the right of the cursor to the left 1 position
to take the place of the deleted character.
4.2.6 Tab
The Tab key, if the current cursor position
is less than the length of the current input field
moves the cursor to the right 5 positions.
4.2.7 F8
The F8 key, is used while editing field data to
clear text from the cursor position to the end of
the current line.
4.2.8 BackSpace
The BackSpace key, is used to delete the character
to the left of the cursor. All characters under and to
the right of the cursor are shifted left 1 space.
4.3 ADDing a menu option to SYSTEM MASTER
To ADD a menu option, we mean ADD a completely new menu
option to the shell.
To ADD a menu option, you must first find the place within
the shell you want the menu option to be displayed.
The location can be virtually anywhere within the shell
with 1 exception. To allow the menu boxes to expand
dynamically as options are added, the ADD command appends
new options to the end of an existing menu box, or creates
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a new menu box if the menu box does not yet exist.
So, to ADD a menu option to SYSTEM MASTER, you only need to
locate a menu level, a menu and a menu box for the definition
to be located in.
After a menu location has been selected and the selection
bar has been located within that menu box, or on the menu
pad where a new box will be placed, you need to press the
'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Add Menu Option'
line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key or click
the left mouse button once, and an editing box will appear.
Go to sub-section 4.14 for further information.
4.4 EDITing a menu option in SYSTEM MASTER
To EDIT a menu option, we mean EDIT an existing menu
option in the shell.
To EDIT a menu option, you must first find the location of
the menu option to be edited and place the selection bar
on that menu option.
After the menu option to be edited has been located and the
selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Edit Menu
Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once, and an editing box will
appear. Go to sub-section 4.14 for further information.
4.5 INSERTing a menu option into SYSTEM MASTER
To INSERT a menu option, we mean INSERT a new menu
option into a specific location within a menu box.
To INSERT a menu option, you must first find the place within
the shell you want the menu option to be displayed. The
location can be virtually anywhere within the shell with 1
exception. Since the menu boxes expand dynamically, you can
INSERT a menu option only within a previously defined
menu box.
After the menu option to be inserted has been located and
the selection bar has been located on that menu option,
you need to press the 'F2' key.
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You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Insert Menu
Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the INSERT
option is selected, the menu box is enlarged by 1 line and
the option at the current location, as well as any options
below that one on the menu box, are shifted down 1 line,
and an editing box will appear. Go to sub-section 4.14
for further information.
4.6 DELETEing a menu option from SYSTEM MASTER
To DELETE a menu option, we mean DELETE a menu option from the
from the shell without writing its contents to the option buffer.
To DELETE a menu option, you must first locate the option
you wish to delete from the shell and place the selection
bar over it.
After the menu option to be deleted has been located and the
selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Delete Menu
Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the DELETE
option is selected, the menu option is immediately deleted
and all options below the deleted option are shifted up
one line and the menu box is made 1 line smaller.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.7 CUTting a menu option from SYSTEM MASTER
To CUT a menu option, we mean CUT a menu option from
the shell and save contents to the option buffer.
To CUT a menu option, you must first locate the option
you wish to cut from the shell and place the selection
bar over it.
After the menu option to be cut has been located and the
selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Cut Menu
Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the CUT
option is selected, the menu option is immediately deleted
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and all options below the deleted option are shifted up
one line and the menu box is made 1 line smaller. The
contents of the menu option are written to the option buffer
and made available for 'PASTING'.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.8 COPYing a menu option in SYSTEM MASTER
To COPY a menu option, we mean COPY the contents of a menu
option from the shell and save contents to the option buffer.
To COPY a menu option, you must first locate the option
you wish to cut from the shell and place the selection
bar over it.
After the menu option to be copied has been located and the
selection bar has been located on that menu option, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Copy Menu
Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the COPY
option is selected, the contents of menu option are
copied to the option buffer with out any screen updates
taking place. The contents of the menu option are written
to the option buffer and made available for 'PASTING'.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.9 PASTEing a menu option into SYSTEM MASTER
To PASTE a menu option, we mean PASTE the contents of the
option buffer into the shell.
To PASTE a menu option, you must first find the place within
the shell you want the menu option to be displayed. The
location can be virtually anywhere within the shell with 1
exception. The paste menu item option, when utilized, places
the Pasted item at the cursor location, and pushes the current
item at the cursor plus all other items below it in the menu
down 1 line. Therefore, you can not paste an item to the end
of a menu box listing.
After the menu option to be inserted has been located and
the selection bar has been located at that location,
you need to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Paste Menu
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Option' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the PASTE
option is selected, the menu box is enlarged by 1 line and
the option at the current location, as well as any options
below that one in the menu box, are shifted down 1 line.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.10 DELETEing a menu box from SYSTEM MASTER
To DELETE a menu box, we mean DELETE all menu options within
a menu box from the shell without writing their contents to
the menubox buffer.
To DELETE a menu box, you must first locate the menu box you
wish to delete from the shell and place the selection bar
anywhere within it.
After the menu box to be deleted has been located and the
selection bar has been located in that menu box, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Delete Menu
Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the DELETE
option is selected, the menu box and all related menu
options are immediately deleted from the shell.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.11 CUTting a menu box from SYSTEM MASTER
To CUT a menu box, we mean CUT all menu options within
a menu box from the shell and write them to the menubox
To CUT a menu box, you must first locate the menu box you
wish to cut from the shell and place the selection bar
anywhere within it.
After the menu box to be cut has been located and the
selection bar has been located in that menu box, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Cut Menu
Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the CUT
option is selected, the menu box and all related menu
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options are immediately deleted from the shell and are
written to the menubox buffer for 'PASTEing'.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.12 COPYing a menu box in SYSTEM MASTER
To COPY a menu box, we mean COPY all menu options of a
menu box from the shell and save them to the menubox buffer.
To COPY a menu box, you must first locate the menu box you
wish to copy in the shell and place the selection bar
anywhere with that menu box.
After the menu box to be copied has been located and the
selection bar has been located in that menu box, you need
to press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Copy Menu
Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the COPY
option is selected, the contents of the menu box and all
related menu options are immediately copied into the menubox
buffer for 'PASTEing'.
No field editing is involved with this option.
4.13 PASTEing a menu box into SYSTEM MASTER
To PASTE a menu option, we mean PASTE the contents of the
menubox buffer into the shell.
To PASTE a menu box, you must first find the place within
the shell you want the menu option to be pasted. The
location can be anywhere within the shell.
After the selection bar has been placed on the menu pad that
the menu box will be pasted, press the 'F2' key.
You now have a list of 11 editing options from which to
choose. Move the selection bar so that the 'Paste Menu
Box' line is hilited, and either press the <ENTER> key
or click the left mouse button once. When the PASTE
option is selected, the contents of the menubox buffer are
copied to the menu location targeted.
NOTE: if a menu box already appears at the paste location,
it will be overwritten by the pasted menu box.
No field editing is involved with this option.
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4.14 Command Editor Input Fields:
Menu Title Input Field
Button Text Input Field
Pad Text Input Field
Option Text Input Field
Informative Text Input Field
SecurityLevel Input Field
AccessCode Input Field
Command Input Section (19 Input Fields)
4.14.1 Menu Title Input Field
The Menu Title Input Field, is the Title you see displayed
at the top of the SYSTEM MASTER screen.
If there is a value displayed next to the input
prompt, you will probably wish to leave it alone
for the following reason. The 'Menu Title' as
displayed here can be edited from any of the 96
possible menu options within any given menu.
Changing the Menu Title for 1 option changes it for
all of the options within the current menu.
The Menu Title field is 51 characters long.
To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER> key.
4.14.2 Button Text Input Field
The Button Text Input Field, is an abbreviated 'Menu Title'
which appears in the menu selection area that you see when
you press the F10 key while in MENU mode.
If there is a value displayed next to the input
prompt, you will probably wish to leave it alone
for the following reason. The 'Menu Title' as
displayed here can be edited from any of the 96
possible menu options within any given menu.
Changing the Button Text for 1 option changes it for
all of the options within the current menu.
The Button Text field is 12 characters long.
To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER> key.
4.14.3 Pad Text Input Field
The Pad Text Input Field, is the 'Menu Box Title'
which appears at the top of each menu box position
on SYSTEM MASTER screen.
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If there is a value displayed next to the input
prompt, you will probably wish to leave it alone
for the following reason. The 'Menu Box Title'
as displayed here can be edited from any of the 16
possible menu options within the given menu box.
Changing the Pad Text for 1 option changes it for
all of the options within the current menu box.
The Pad Text field is 10 characters long.
To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER>
4.14.4 OptionText Input Field
The OptionText Input Field, is the text that will
appear in the displayed menu box.
When Adding a Menu Option, there will be no value
displayed. If EDITing, the current option text
string will be displayed for modification.
If this field is left blank, SYSTEM MASTER
displays what appears to be an empty option,
although it is a valid option and any command
instructions will be processed as usual.
The OptionText field is 24 characters long.
To leave the value as is, just press the <ENTER> key.
4.14.5 Informative Text Input Field
The Informative Text input field is the message
that is displayed on line 23 of your monitor when
the hilite bar passes over the corresponding menu
The Informative Text message allows you to attach
a little longer description of the function of the
menu option.
The Informative Text input field is optional and
can be skipped by pressing the <ENTER> key at the
empty prompt.
The Informative Text field is 60 characters long.
4.14.6 SecurityLevel Input Field
The SecurityLevel input field is the minimum
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access level required of any user to access this
menu option.
If the current user has an access level equal to
or greater than the value input at this input
prompt, access to the option will be granted.
If the current user does not have an access level
greater than or equal to the 'SecurityLevel' field
access to the option will be denied.
The input SecurityLevel must be within the range
of 0..99.
4.14.7 AccessCode Input Field
In addition to the SecurityLevel field, which is
checked against the access level of the current
user, the AccessCode, if assigned, adds a bit more
security to a menu option by requiring the user
to input an AccessCode at run-time that MUST match
this value exactly, or access will be denied.
The AccessCode checks are case sensitive so if you
mix upper & lower case characters within this field
the same combination of upper & lower case
characters must be entered by the user to gain
The AccessCode input field is optional and can be
skipped by pressing the <ENTER> key at the empty
prompt. If this value is skipped, no access code
inquiry will be executed when the menu option is
The AccessCode field is 6 characters long.
4.14.8 Command Input Section (19 Input Fields)
When you enter the Command Input Section of the
Command Editor, a second input window is displayed,
and you are prompted to input command descriptions.
The displayed window has 19 input positions (fields)
which are available for command input descriptions.
You will need to refer to sections 5, 6 & 7 for actual
DOS, Batch and SYSTEM MASTER commands appropriate to
this area of the menu description.
When the Command Input Section Window is displayed
a whole new set of editing features becomes
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available to you. Along the bottom of the display
are 5 command editor 'special' keys.
F2 Insert
F3 Delete
F4 Cut
F5 Copy
F6 Paste
F8 Clear EOL
F10 Select F2 Insert
The F2 keys tells the Command editor to
insert a blank line at the cursor for
the insertion of a command. F3 Delete
The F3 key tells the Command Editor to
delete the command at the cursor and
move the remaining commands up one
position. F4 Cut
The F4 key tells the Command Editor to
delete the command at the cursor, but
retain its contents in a buffer, and move
the remaining commands up one position. F5 Copy
The F5 key tells the Command editor to
copy the command at the cursor into the
command buffer for future paste operation F6 Paste
The F6 key tells the Command Editor to
insert the contents of the command buffer
at the current command line. The command
at the current command line, as well as
all suceeding commands are moved down 1
command line. F8 Clear EOL
The F8 key, when pressed, clears all charac-
ters from the cursor location to the end
of the current line.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------- F10 Select
The F10 key invokes another extra special
SYSTEM MASTER feature... The Command
Selection Assist Section. The 'Selection
Assist' allows you to select, from dynamic
menus, virtually all of the items that can
be written into a SYSTEM MASTER command set.
There are 8 Select Options available thru
the Selection Assist menu: Select Drive
The Select Drive Assist provides
you with a list of disk drive letters
from which to make a selection.
When a drive has been selected the
corresponding text string is written
to the input command line. Select Path
The Select Path Assist provides you
with a list of valid path names that
correspond to the drive selected
in the 'Select Drive' Assist option.
The innitial drive used is C: and is
the current drive until the 'Select
Drive' assist is selected. Select Program
The Select Program Assist provides
you with a list of disk files which
are executable. (.EXE .COM .BAT).
The Select Drive and Select Path
options determine which files are
displayed within the selection window. Select File
The Select File Assist provides you
with a list of valid disk files.
The list of displayed files includes
all files within the specified direc-
tory except System files, volume
labels and directories.
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------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select SYSTEM MASTER command
The Select SM command Assist displays
a list of valid SYSTEM MASTER com-
mands that may be selected from the
menu and put into the command input
work area. Select DOS command
The Select DOS Command Assist dis-
plays a list of DOS commands that
are valid with version 3.3 DOS.
These commands can be selected from
the menu and inserted directly into
the command input work area. Select Batch Command
The Select Batch Command Assist dis-
plays a list of Batch commands that
are valid with version 3.3 DOS.
These commands can be selected from
the menu and inserted directly into
the command input work area. Select Menu Cell
The Select Menu Cell Option is not
yet installed in this version of
SYSTEM MASTER. When available it
will allow you to move around the
SYSTEM MASTER shell to select the
command parameter required for the
SYSTEM MASTER 'I', 'J', 'L', & 'X'
commands (i.e. 011101).
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